Rachel Snack is a weaver and textile conservator. She received her Bachelor of Fine Art in Fiber & Material Studies from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, and her Master of Science in Textile Design from Philadelphia University.
Rachel is the founder of Weaver House Co., a textile studio, yarn shop and weaving school dedicated to preserving craft tradition through hand-making and weaving education. Her most recent large-scale project is the digital archive and in-print revival of the weaving periodical Warp and Weft.
Rachel has conserved objects for exhibitions at The National Constitution Center, The Philadelphia Museum of Art, The Fabric Workshop & Museum, The NY Public Library and The Museum of Arts and Design. She has exhibited her work internationally, and taught courses on weaving, fiber dyeing and textile conservation throughout the United States. She has been an artist-in-residence at The Burren College of Art in Ireland and Awamaki in Peru.